Mountain Lion Hunt

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Mountain Lion Hunting takes being in the right place at the right time. We will be in the right place and guarantee that we will put in the time.
Book Your Texas Mountain Lion Hunt Today

Texas Mountain Lion Hunt

This hunt is the real deal. Is it guaranteed...HAHA get outta here man. We aren't in Africa releasing drugged up lions from pens and we don't have trappers on call letting us know they've got one in a snare somewhere. This is the real deal!

We offer guided mountain lion hunts in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Our lion hounds are raised, trained and hunted year round in West Texas in the Chihuahua Desert. Our mountain lion hunts are done either traditionally, with the use of horses and mules, or by trucks and UTV's on millions of acres of National Forest lands or private ranches. On this hunt our clients see some of the most remote, rugged, and beautiful country imaginable. This is definitely a lifetime adventure hunt for the most sought after apex predator on the planet.

Our NM and AZ hunts are 6 days and 7 nights. We hunt primarily from mules and recommend that you be in top physical condition. This is an all inclusive hunt, including lodging in canvass tents or ranch houses, meals, and animal cleaning. Locations will be determined by the hunt date booked.

State hunting license, cougar/carcass tag, associated habitat stamps and applicable state sales tax will be an additional cost.

We provide transportation to and from airports for an additional fee.

One large cooler is required as well.

Our Texas Mountain Lion Hunts take place on 500,000 acres of private ranches in the rugged west Texas mountain ranges. The hunts are normally for problem lions that have been wrecking havoc on livestock or wildlife in the area. A Texas lion hunt is an outdoorsmen's holy grail and one of the most rugged hunts you can experience in our great state.

Location: Pecos, Devils, and Rio Grande Rivers, as well as New Mexico and Arizona

Hunt Type: You will be hunting over our finest pack of dedicated Lion dogs.

Gun Type: Any legal weapon is welcome but we recommend an open sight rifle.

Opportunity: We are 80% success rate on dry ground and 100% success rate on snow.

Cost: Texas cat hunts are $3,000 plus $3500 after your cat is killed. New Mexico and Arizona hunts are $6,500

Dates: October through April

If you want a guarantee or canned Texas Mountain Lion Hunt, I've seen some in the $5000 - $8,000 range and you should take your business there. We're here to hunt and if you're into that kind of thing, you should call and book today!

Book Your Hunt Today!

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Where Do Mountain Lions Live in Texas:

Mountain lions are native to Texas and classified as nongame species. They occur in the Trans Pecos in primarily large undeveloped tracts of land. TPWD has records of mountain lions occurring in every county of Texas except for the northernmost counties of the Panhandle.

The average mountain lion home ranges in the Trans Pecos are 50,000 to 80,000 acres. Lions are reclusive by nature. You should consider yourself fortunate if you ever get the opportunity to see one of these big cats.

Texas Mountain Lion Characteristics:

The mountain lion is a large, slender cat with a smallish head and noticeably long tail. Their color is a light, tawny brown, which can appear gray or almost black, depending on light conditions. . Its size (total length) ranges from about 6 1/2 feet in females to as much as 8 1/2 feet in males. Male cougars weigh between 100–150 pounds, and females weigh between 45–96 pounds. In the wild, cougars live about 10 to 11 years.

When Is the Best Time To See a Mountain Lion:

Cougars are active in the mornings and evenings as well as at night. They are solitary animals except during a short (3–5 days) breeding time, which can occur at any time of the year. Most litters are born in the summer and fall and average 2–3 kittens. Cubs stay with the female until they are 11 to 24 months of age, when they leave and begin looking for their own home range.

How Far Will a Mountain Lion Travel:

The size of a lion’s home range is determined by prey abundance and availability, topography, and the presence of other lions. Male home ranges usually encompass the range of several females and vary from 80 to 200 square miles. Males do not usually tolerate other male cougars in their home range. Female home ranges are normally 20 to 100 square miles and may overlap.

What Do Texas Mountain Lions Eat:

In Texas, mountain lions prey primarily on white-­tailed deer and mule deer. Javelina, pronghorn antelope, feral hogs, big horned sheep, raccoons, coyotes, porcupine, opossum, rabbits and a variety of other small mammals also supplement their diet. Mountain lions will occasionally take domestic livestock. Although cattle and horses are less vulnerable to lion predation once they have grown in excess of 500 pounds, sheep, goats, and pigs remain vulnerable for their lifetime

Is There Such Thing as a Black Panther (Black Mountain Lion):

Contrary to popular belief, there are no black panthers in Texas; no one has ever captured or killed a black mountain lion.

All info received from TPWD

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