Varmint Hunts

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Fast Paced, Fur Flying, Texas Varming Hunting action guided by people who are in the field every day!
Book Your Texas Varmint Hunt Now

Texas Varmint Hunts

This high paced hunt is what people dream of when they imagine how the professionals hunt the big predator tournaments. Get ready for multiple calling sets, fast paced sequences, and lots of predator action. This hunt is a free for all. Shoot until your guide says lets go eat. You are hunting with one of the best callersin the business.

Location: West Texas

Duration: 2 full nights of hunting

Species: Grey fox, Bobcat, Coyote, Ringtail, Badger

Shot Distance: 100 yards or less

Expected Activity: 100% shot opportunity for both clients

Gun Type: Bring your own or borrow ours for the price of ammo. Recommend calibers 204, 223, 22-250

Cost: $1000 per person for this 2 night hunting package (2 man minimum)

Book Your Hunt Today!

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Varmints in the state of Texas are a huge problem but they are also extremely smart. We have been entrusted by landowners totaling over 500,000 acres to keep their livestock and wildlife safe from predators and guided varmint hunts is how we reduce their population. We have studied each species we hunt for over 30 years and have knowledge as to what sounds makes them charge the set. For every varmint an average hunter sees cruising through the field, there are 5 more close by who weren't dumb enough to be seen. The financial impact predators have in our state is why we have gained the access and ability to run more Texas varmint hunts than any outfitter in the region.

Take a look at the monetary and animal loss below that is caused by predators in our state alone. This information comes straight from Southwest Farm Press

Coyotes as responsible for 47 percent of the sheep losses associated with animal predators, while dogs accounted for 2 percent. Bobcats killed 11 percent, and mountain lions and fox accounted for 2 percent of the losses, while coyotes, bobcats, dogs, fox, and mountain lions were responsible for 54 percent, 17 percent, 7 percent, 5 percent, and 2 percent of lamb losses, respectively.

Cattle and calf predation losses due to predators in Texas totaled 4,100 and 35,000 head valued at over $18 million in 2005 (NASS 2006) and 6,000 and 40,000 head valued at over $19.4 million in 2010 (NASS 2011). Of the animal predators identified as causing losses to cattle in 2010, mountain lions/bobcats, coyotes, and dogs were responsible for about 28 percent, 22 percent, and 7 percent of the losses, respectively (NASS 2011). Of the calf loss, coyotes, mountain lions/bobcats, and dogs were responsible for 40 percent, 15 percent, and 9 percent of the losses, respectively (NASS 2011).

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